Muay Thai vs Kickboxing: What are the differences, and which one is better?

Muay Thai vs Kickboxing: What are the differences, and which one is better?

Kenneth Mwenda
updated at June 20, 2023 at 7:22 AM

Muay Thai and Kickboxing are two titans clashing in combat sports, each boasting distinctive strategies, techniques, and cultural roots. While sharing some similarities, these disciplines offer unique approaches to the art of physical combat. Within their divergent strikes, stances, and rulesets, we find the allure and excitement that have captivated fans and practitioners worldwide.

Muay Thai vs Kickboxing: What are the differences, and which one is better?
Muay Thai students during a training session. Photo: Tom Werner
Source: Getty Images

Combat sports have long since been a part of human culture, drawing interest for their raw athleticism, strategic complexity, and indomitable spirit. Today, we explore two prevalent forms of combat sports – Muay Thai and Kickboxing.

Muay Thai vs Kickboxing: A brief overview

Muay Thai, often called 'The art of eight limbs', is a combat sport from Thailand. Its rules emphasize strikes using fists, elbows, knees, and shins, as well as clinch and neck-wrestling techniques. Muay Thai's unique range of strikes, its utilization of all parts of the body, and a focus on close-quarter combat lend it an aggressive, forward-moving style.

Kickboxing, on the other hand, is a hybrid combat sport that combines elements of Boxing and Karate. The sport typically restricts strikes to punches and kicks, although the rules can vary across different Kickboxing styles.

The absence of elbow and knee strikes and the prohibition of clinching create a different rhythm and strategic play in the ring. There are several Kickboxing styles, including Chinese, Japanese, and American.

Introducing Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) has altered many people's perceptions of combat sports. Muay Thai's extensive hitting arsenal and clinch tactics can provide considerable advantages in the context of MMA. Kickboxing's boxing-oriented technique, on the other hand, can be beneficial, especially when mixed with other martial arts.

Muay Thai vs Kickboxing: Which is better?

Muay Thai vs Kickboxing stance
A woman practising Kickboxing. Photo: Maskot
Source: Getty Images

Whether Muay Thai is better than Kickboxing, or vice versa, depends primarily on the context and the individual practitioner's goals. Muay Thai might be the right choice if you want to learn a martial art with a broader range of strikes and a focus on close-quarter combat. Kickboxing will suit you better if you prefer a more boxing-oriented style emphasizing punches and kicks.

Muay Thai vs Kickboxing: The best martial art for weight loss

Both Muay Thai and Kickboxing offer rigorous cardio workouts. Muay Thai's training regime tends to be more intense, involving exercises that target the entire body, while Kickboxing often focuses more on the upper body and core.

Both are ideal for weight loss, and the choice depends on your physical abilities and preferences. They not only help you shape up your physique, but they also assist you in reducing your stress levels. Daily practising these martial arts will help you focus better and stay relaxed and cheerful and for self-defence.

Muay Thai vs Kickboxing stance

Difference between Muay Thai and Kickboxing
Muay Thai athletes during a fight. Photo: Artur Didyk
Source: Getty Images

The stances differ due to their distinct offensive and defensive strategies. The Muay Thai stance is typically more square, facilitating the use of elbows and knees, while the Kickboxing stance is more side-on, focusing on mobility and reach.

Muay Thai fighters have their elbows out more to throw elbows, and block kicks with their shins without elbowing their thigh. Because of the high volume of punches launched and taken in a Kickboxing match, Kickboxing fighters' elbows are usually cemented to their ribs.

This protects them from body shots and allows them to box more. Also, because Kickboxing rules prohibit elbows, they are not required to use a guard with their elbows out.

On a similar topic, kicks to the arm can sometimes count as "blocks" in the Kickboxing world. Hence some fighters will not attempt to block with their shins as Muay Thai fighters do. A kick to the arm allows the opponent to score in Muay Thai and is another reason to add to the difference in stances.

Muay Thai vs Kickboxing gloves

The difference between the two is that boxing gloves have padding around the knuckles. Muay Thai gloves, on the other hand, feature more equally distributed padding. The second feature is the palm design, which is more open in the Thai glove, allowing greater flexibility when clinching and catching kicks.

Is Muay Thai better than Kickboxing?

Muay Thai vs Kickboxing for MMA
Two men during a Kickboxing training. Photo: Kmatta
Source: Getty Images

Determining whether Muay Thai is inherently better than Kickboxing is subjective. Each sport offers a unique set of skills, techniques, and strategies. Preference for one over the other often comes down to individual goals, physical abilities, and personal interest in the respective styles.

However, Muay Thai is considered more effective in street fights than traditional Boxing due to its wide range of strikes. However, Boxing focuses on footwork and head movement, offering different advantages.

Similarities between Muay Thai and Kickboxing

Although both have significant distinctions, they might appear very similar from a distance. Both martial arts are fierce and strategic.

Their foot movements are much faster than those of other types of Boxing. Their hitting methods (foot and fist) are so similar that it is difficult to tell them apart. Both Muay Thai and Kickboxing are used for self-defence. They are also two martial arts that may be seen in numerous high-level events worldwide.

The world of combat sports is multifaceted and intricate. Understanding each style's nuances, techniques, and strategies is crucial to make an informed decision about which martial art to pursue. While Muay Thai and Kickboxing each bring unique elements to the table, neither is universally better than the other. So, please explore both arts to determine which resonates with your physical capabilities, personal interests, and ultimate goals.

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Kenneth Mwenda
Kenneth Mwenda is a business and sports writer with over five years of experience. At Sportsbrief, he contributes to writing biographies and listicles.